Strategies for Writing a Great Problem Solution Essay
Composing an assignment on a problem and solution essay topic allows you to demonstrate your ability to resolve human challenges. It helps you understand human problems and how to be a part of the solution instead of allocating blame and pointing fingers.
So, how do you compose a great problem solutions essay? This post has all the answers. Read it to discover more and be a part of the solution.
What Is a Problem-Solution Essay?
Answering the fundamental question, “What is problem solution essay?” is critical to writing a perfect assignment in this niche. As its name suggests, a problem-solution paper is an academic writing that requires you to analyze a problem, propose viable solutions, and support your ideas with relevant evidence.
This paper’s primary objective is to address real-world challenges and offer practical solutions to them. You begin by describing the problem before highlighting its gravity and impact on people’s lives. You will then need to propose solutions to the challenge and intensively explain how your proposed remedy will address that issue.
Your assignment may also discuss the possible challenges or limitations of your suggested solutions. A great problem-remedy paper must also propose reasonable and easy-to-implement solutions without deviating from the topic.
How to Write a Problem-Solution Essay?
After defining and understanding a challenge-remedy essay, the next task should be answering the “How to write problem-solution essay?” This section discusses the process of drafting this essay from start to finish.
Select a Topic
Start by selecting a relevant topic that bothers you and affects other people’s lives. This topic can focus on anything that affects your readers. You can list these challenges a community, generation, or group of people faces.
Think About Solution Options
Next, figure out possible solutions. Ensure that these solutions are easy and applicable instead of being mere “paper tigers” to impress your audience. These solutions must be affordable so that they don’t add more challenges.
You can suggest a solution that eliminates the challenge’s cause. For instance, if a person is addicted to drugs, they will need to stop doing it. However, it would be more beneficial if you investigated their addiction’s root cause and tried to uproot it. You may also propose educating the person with an addiction on the dangers of doing drugs.
Outline the Essay
Next, you should outline problem-solution essay to help you remember what you want to say. Your outline also ensures your ideas flow logically to promote easy reading and understanding. You can divide your outline’s information into paragraphs or sections.
You will need to research the relevant materials to fill in your outline. Several online and offline resources can provide you with these details.
Write Your Assignment
You need to write your paper. This assignment will follow the traditional introduction, body, and conclusion order.
Revise Your Paper
Lastly, revise your first draft to perfect it. Your revision will identify and eliminate spelling, grammar, citation, formatting, vocabulary, and other errors. This stage includes editing and proofreading, which is the last phase.
After adding or removing parts, you might make new errors that were not in the original draft. For instance, you could end up with spelling errors in the new sentences you introduced when polishing the first copy.
Problem-Solution Essay Example
Learning from examples boosts your chances of writing problem-solution essay that rocks and fetches excellent grades. We selected this sample paper to give you a practical hint of what you should do in your next paper. This excerpt highlights the problem, its causes, and the possible solutions to it. The model is about obesity and poor physical wellness. Read on to learn more.
Consuming processed and fast foods and the modern generation’s dependence on vehicles have significantly increased obesity and reduced the fitness levels of our adult population. In some nations, especially in the developed world, the number of people living with obesity could be as high as a third of a country’s population. This figure is significant because obesity and poor fitness levels decrease life expectancy. Thus, people and governments should collaborate to solve this health crisis and enhance the general citizens’ diet and fitness.
Fortunately, people’s decisions to change their diets and their physical activities can increase life expectancy. Remember, processed and fast foods contain high fat and sugar levels. By cooking their own foods and consuming more fruit and vegetables, citizens could have healthier and more balanced diets, which could reduce obesity levels. To promote fitness levels, people could walk or cycle to work or the shops rather than drive. Moreover, they could walk upstairs instead of taking the elevators. These simple lifestyle adjustments could significantly improve fitness levels.
Organization of a Problem-Solution Essay
Proper organization is critical to drafting great problem-solution essays. Like other essays, an IELTS essay problem-solution assignment should have the following structure.
This vital section allows you to introduce your chosen problem and show readers why it matters. Your introduction may also feature other solutions that failed to work before showing your proposed solution fully.
If the challenge is new, you’ll explain how it affects people’s lives and its consequences. Inversely, a common challenge requires you to tell people about what happens when it’s not resolved and how people feel about it. Irrespective of the problem’s cause, you should convince readers that it matters and requires attention.
Your introduction will also include a brief thesis statement that outlines your paper’s primary focus. It will be your assignment’s strategic guidepost that shows readers where you intend to take them. The thesis helps them understand what they will gain by reading your essay.
You can also add other solutions that did not work before explaining your solution in detail.
Your body part will include three paragraphs. Each paragraph will contain a solution to your problem. When handling these solutions, it’s vital to remember the following:
- Explain the problem fully.
- Propose your remedy and explain it correctly.
- Explain how your solution solves the problem.
- If you want to demonstrate why your solution is best, you could utilize an expert or personal experience, stats, examples, and other renowned people’s credible work.
This closing section is critical. While it comes last, it doesn’t in any way make it less important than the intro or the body. Failing to compose a convincing conclusion could easily erode all the gains you made in the previous sections. Below are tips for drafting a compelling conclusion.
- Summarize your introduction.
- List your argument’s main points.
- Advise someone with a similar problem.
The Structure of Writing a Problem-Solution Essay
Four core components comprise a problem-solution essay structure. Understanding the basic structure of problem-solution essay is vital for drafting a great paper. Below are the elements comprising this format.
The situation in this essay may or may not be included in your assignment’s prompt. If it’s included in the prompt, you won’t need to include it in the main body. If it’s necessary for your paper, you will include it in the introduction, especially when drafting short papers.
The paper covers a specific challenge that concerns you. When stating it, pay attention to the concepts, ideas, and terms you will need to define.
You will also need to analyze the problem. The analysis will address its history, cause, symptoms, and current methods that address it. You also need to address the shortcomings of these methods.
You have to propose solutions after analyzing the problem. Suggest the criteria for your solution and try envisioning tentative or hypothetical solutions. It would be best to start by proposing various possible solutions before evaluating them.
Your evaluation weighs each solution’s merits and limitations. The evaluation should show readers that the method’s merits outweigh its demerits. It shows your solution’s possible short-term and long-term implications if it’s adopted.
Composing problem-solution essays lets you prove your ability to address people’s real-world problems. We’ve shared practical insights to help you compose a perfect essay that addresses real-life problems and suggests practical solutions. Go ahead and use these strategies to perfect your skills in this essay category.