Affordable and High-Quality Help with Your Essay on Gender Equality
Gender equality is one of the hottest debates that have yet to reach a consensus. For years, almost all cultures have struggled to bridge this gap. From the East to the West, the gap is still there despite the many good steps nations have taken, especially since the 20th century.
While God designed the two sexes to complement each other, the reality on the ground differs and seems to undermine this goal. On one extreme, men have abused their gender distinction to dominate women. Inversely, women, most of them influenced by modern feminism, aren’t doing any better. Instead, they are using their gender uniqueness to compete with men. Sadly, gender domination and unhealthy competition hurt men and women.
Drafting an essay on gender inequality requires a careful balance. You should compose your essays on gender inequality, aware of these extremes to achieve positive results. In this post, we address these essays, their importance, and a few inspiring sample topics to jumpstart you. Keep reading to discover more.
Importance of Gender Roles in Society Essay
Gender roles significantly affect modern societies. A good essay on equality of gender should address these issues fully. This section contains excerpts of a sample essay on this subject. Read on to get inspiration for your next assignment.
In the 21st century, men and women enjoy the same rights and privileges, at least in terms of law and representation. People, especially women, are more aware of their rights and privileges in a free modern society. The rise of the feminist movement has made more women aware that they have equal rights with men. Women can also participate in various social and economic activities like men.
When societies achieve gender equality, men and women enjoy the same rights and privileges in different areas. For instance, they possess equal political, economic, educational, and health rights. At the family level, men and women now expect to experience equal treatment, grow together, learn, and add value to one another’s lives.
Nations need to value both sexes equally to achieve timely development. Societies can only achieve more socioeconomic progress if both sexes access equal opportunities. For instance, equal access to decision-making in political, health, and professional matters guarantees societal advancement. The modern girl is equally competing with the boy in school. Women are also competing with men in business and other professional platforms. That’s why we’re seeing many of them seeking financial freedom before getting married. This economic freedom gives women the confidence to withstand oppression and make favorable decisions for themselves.
Formerly, women were trained to remain at home and take care of domestic chores while men went out to fend for their families. This age-long practice has lost its relevance in modern society because the generational dynamics have significantly changed. For instance, women can receive equal education and pursue beneficial careers to provide for their families like men. This way, gender equality on these fronts promotes a nation’s economic progress.
Gender Essay Topics That Spark Interest
Composing an essay on gender inequality that fetches good grades requires you to get the most interesting topics. Choosing the most appropriate essay topics on gender inequality ensures you give your readers what they would like to read. It also ensures you write about a topic that interests you.
But where can you get leads to great topics about gender equality? The good news is that this topic is real-life, and you can find it from many sources. For instance, you can watch the news, follow social media conversations, and even talk to people to get their personal experiences with this reality. Don’t forget that you may also dig into past events that shaped gender dynamics and engagement.
When you draw your topics from such sources, you can brainstorm convincing arguments. This way, you will be better placed to handle complex issues and connect well with your readers at societal and individual levels. To inspire you, we selected 20 sample topics to jumpstart your journey.
- Workplace equality for men and women in the developing world.
- Breaking boy and girl stereotypes in children’s storybooks.
- The effect of gender-based inequality on a victim’s mental health.
- Challenges women entrepreneurs face.
- The effects of gender bias in healthcare.
- Ways to promote inclusivity in sports teams.
- The use of gender-neutral language in education.
- The causes and effects of gender-based violence in learning institutions.
- Is gender inequality in modern societies reducing or increasing?
- Gender inequality and its effects on international relations.
- Racial gender inequality in the developed world.
- Achieving gender equality within the US workplace.
- The shifting norms about gender inequality in learning institutions.
- Discrimination against women in male-dominated societies.
- Dissecting gender inequality and discrimination against women.
- Are nations legalizing gender inequality unknowingly?
- Gender inequality and its effects on the economy.
- The role of feminism in fighting for gender equality.
- The effect of armed combat on women.
- Gender inequality in the Post-Apartheid South Africa.
Methods to Measure Gender Equality
Gender equality is a qualitative reality. Therefore, it’s a bit challenging to assign numerical measurements to it because its perceptions vary across cultures and jurisdictions. When composing an essay on gender equality, especially its measurements, students should remain open because the dynamics are always evolving.
Generally, a country’s gender equality can be measured using different methods. Below are some of the techniques that measure this equality.
- Gender Development Index (GDI): This gender-based calculation is similar to the Human Development Index.
- Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM): This method is a more elaborate calculation technique based on the percentage of female members in decision-making roles.
- Gender Equity Index (GEI): This tool considers economic participation, education, and empowerment.
- Global Gender Gap Index: This measurement tool assesses the level of gender inequality present based on economic participation and opportunity, educational achievement, political empowerment, and health and survival rates.
Roadblocks to Gender Equality
Your argumentative essay on gender equality can address many gender-based issues, such as challenges facing the quest for equality. These roadblocks differ across cultural and geographical boundaries. But below are the common hindrances to gender equality:
- Outdated cultural beliefs that suggest that men are superior to women.
- Limiting beliefs that women can only serve indoors.
- Marriage-related cultural practices like dowry that make men think that their daughters are cash cows that should be sold to enrich the family.
- Gender-based violence that silence and intimidate victims, especially when it’s marked by harassment, sexual exploitation, and human trafficking.
- Poverty, which breeds other ills like child labor and early marriages.
Initiative Towards Gender Equality
Your persuasive essay on gender equality can also focus on initiatives communities and governments can take to promote gender equality. Some of these initiatives include the following:
- Creating awareness of the benefits of gender equality to societies and nations.
- Enacting necessary laws to combat gender inequality and promote equality, for instance, through affirmative action.
- Taking stern measures against gender discrimination.
- Promoting universal education for boys and girls.
- Encouraging peaceful coexistence between men and women at all societal levels.
- Recognizing and rewarding individuals or organizations that advocate for gender equality.
Here is your quick introduction to the topic of gender inequality. Hopefully, these insights and sample essays will help you compose an excellent essay on gender inequality and advance in gender equality-related research. The ball is in your court; use this information to sharpen your essay skills. Should you need more personalized assistance, don’t hesitate to call us or fill out an order form today.