How to write a business essay from scratch?
If you’re a student of a business department or want to pursue an MBA, you’re sure to come across business essay writing at a certain point in your studies. So, what is a business essay, and what particular recommendations are there to complete it with high quality?
This type of academic assignment is given to students who study Business in this or that way, focusing on the essentials of some business area or a particular business entity. Thus, you may receive an assignment to examine and analyze a specific business theory, apply its principles to some companies in your location, or synthesize the theoretical business knowledge to arrive at an innovative business offer or strategy.
Now let’s consider how to write a business essay in more detail. Many students approach this subject with confusion and a lack of understanding of this assignment’s basics. One productive way to jumpstart your composition process is to look for a high-quality business essay example online. Such samples typically contain a good structure and follow the formatting conventions that every work of this type should have. Another approach to getting your assignment done is to order a business essay from a reliable, trustworthy provider of academic solutions.
Where to order such an assignment without the risk of being caught or getting an F for a poor-quality paper? Luckily, you can order your papers on Business here. We have been in the essay writing business for many years and know all the ins and outs of business essay composition.
Business Essay Format
Now let’s dig deeper into the business essay format to which you should keep to get a high grade and prove your excellence in academic writing of this kind. Overall, the business writings possess the same format as other academic works do, but they may have some specific requirements depending on the topic you’re examining.
- At the beginning of the essay, you may be required to write an executive summary, which is an abstract in business writing. Here, you summarize the essential findings and give concise background data about the business you’re analyzing to get the readers quickly on board.
- Business assignments often require presenting an extensive business background section where you explain what your analyzed company is, when it was founded, and what key stats it possesses. This will form the basis for further analysis, making your conclusions more logical.
- A typical business school essay should rely heavily on figures and facts. It’s also recommended to include visuals into them to simplify the perception of numeric information.
That’s what you will see in every high-quality business essay example you find online. Follow these tips to create an excellent paper for your submission, and you’re guaranteed a high grade for this assignment.
Write Business Essay in 5 Steps
Essay composition is always a consequential process, meaning that you can’t move to the next stage without completing the previous one. Here is the algorithm for competent and systematic business writing that you can use to accelerate your creative process and achieve the desired outcomes fast.
- Formulate the topic
It’s vital to arrive at argumentative business essay topics as they are much more manageable and offer numerous valuable arguments to explore.
- Research the subject
Once you choose one subject among the available business essay topics, you have a roadmap for further research. Study the subject to see what publications on this topic are available in the academic libraries. Pick a couple of credible resources for your paper and record them to keep track of the outside source use.
- Compose arguments and structure
Now that you have a subject and a couple of reputable resources, you can single out a couple of arguments to inform the structure of your paper. Use one argument per paragraph to keep the writing legible and consistent.
- Create a draft
Now, write the rough draft of your assignment to place all parts in their correct places and think over the transitions. Check every paragraph as a standalone part of the text to ensure that it has a topic sentence, supporting evidence, and a transition sentence.
- Complete the final editing and proofreading
Once the draft is ready, it’s vital to make it polished and finalized. It’s helpful to read the text from the end until the beginning to focus on the mechanics.
Business Essay Topics
Here is a list of business essay topics you may use for your homework. We have singled out the simplest and most interesting options so that you get a high grade with minimal effort:
- Trending business theories applicable to the modern environment.
- What does it take to create a startup today?
- Key features of entrepreneurial thinking.
- Business operations in the COVID-19 era: fundamental changes.
- Approaches to management of the global remote workforce.
- Doing business in developing countries: challenges and opportunities.
- The evolution of unfair competition in the digital era: hacker attacks, data theft, and cybersecurity.
- Transformation of global business with the quick pace of Internet adoption: significant trends.
- The fundamentals of the sustainable, eco-friendly business of the 21st
- Outsourcing versus in-house staff employment: critical considerations.
- Trending business industries non-existent a decade ago.
- Social media influencers: businesspeople or showpeople?
- Is a business school diploma enough for launching an effective startup?
- Product life cycle stages and business owners’ efforts required at each of them.
- Automation and robotics: what do they have in store for modern companies?
- Can a company remain popular and successful if it doesn’t follow modern tech trends?
- What happens when your business enters a maturity stage?
- How to ensure that a new product enters the market with a bang?
- Unethical business: does it have a place in the modern era of publicity and accountability?
- Globalization and counter-globalization: what implications do these trends have for international companies’ development and survival?
How to Start a Business Essay
The way you start working on your essay depends on your topic and business area.
For instance, if you’re writing a business plan essay, you need to collect all input information about the strategy you’re planning to pursue, basing your plan on it. If you’re composing a starting a business essay, then you need to rely on theory more heavily to inform those planning a startup about the initial business launch steps guaranteeing success.
Finally, if you’re working on a business management essay, you need to take proper care of reviewing the existing management theories and approaches, picking the one you find the most suitable for your specific business case. In any way, you need to review some business school essay examples dedicated to your topic, getting a general idea of how others have approached your subject.
Here you go with the essentials of business essay composition. If you need the help of experts with any aspect of this process, don’t hesitate to contact us and get that support. Here you’re guaranteed the best business essay writer available and 24/7 assistance with all assignments. Our expertise in the essay writing business is extensive, with over a decade of flawless customer service.
No matter the topic or specialization, you’ll get comprehensive coverage of your educational needs from our experienced pros. So, you can count on our timeliness and professionalism, submitting well-written papers on every assignment.
Example #1
Question 1
Implementation of CRM solutions will help Saab to gain a competitive advantage as it will help to develop better relationship with the customers. The implementation of CRM will help to develop long term relationship and will create loyal customers. Since, CRM looks at brining different aspect of consumer, dealers, and suppliers together so it will foster a process through which better communication will be achieved. The communication which will be passed on the customers will be clear and unambiguous and will look towards ensuring that the same communication is passed from different sources thereby helping to remove the discrepancies which might otherwise exist in the communication process. In addition to it CRM solutions will help to provide past information about the customers, regarding his purchasing habits, the taste and other preferences (Sharp & Sharp, 2007). This will provide the sales executives with better information and will be better placed while dealing with the customers. The different representatives will thereby be able to communicate on correct lines which will thereby help to multiply the overall experience of purchasing for the customer. Having a CRM solution will also lead towards cost effectiveness as instead of having information of consumers at different places all will be available at the same place. This will save cost and processing of different information would become easy. The process would thereby help to gain advantage as better data base of customers can be maintained which will act as a guide in the future and will help Saab to be work in a manner where they are able to work on different aspects and facets through which customer loyalty and trust in the product can be developed. This would lead towards providing an edge and will help to deal with competition in a better manner.
Question 2
In case Saab doesn’t implement the CRM solutions the result for the business would be fatal as it would hinder the manner in which different activities are carried out and would complicate the entire process of doing business. Some of the long term impacts it would have are as
Firstly, it would lead towards miscommunication as different people communicating with customers at different levels with communicate on different terms and objects. This would create doubts in the mind of the customer and would lead towards creating suspicion regarding the product and its quality. This will thereby have an impact on the sales and would lead towards affecting the profitability.
Secondly, the cost of having different data base of customer is costly as it needs to be stored and managed at different places. This is an additional cost for the business and would lead towards ineffectiveness in carrying out activities
Thirdly, having different database makes it difficult for the organization to combine and club the different information together as the process becomes a tedious and cumbersome job (O’Brien & Jones, 2005). This thereby doesn’t provide the same gain that the business is looking at leads towards inefficiency in carrying out activities.
Fourthly, understanding the consumer behaviour becomes difficult as not having integrated solutions would provide different information about the customer and would thereby make it difficult to understand them. This could lead towards wrong offering of the products and solutions and could thereby have an impact on the long term prospect of the business.
Fifthly, the lack of integrated CRM will help the competitors who have CRM solutions to be ahead of them as they will have better details regarding the customers thereby providing them an advantage in comparison to Saab.
Question 3
Some of the additional benefit which Saab would gain from implementing the supply chain management system is
Firstly, it would help them to manage their resources effectively and use them wisely thereby helping to exercise better control over the resources and ensuring that maximum gains are achieved from it
Secondly, it will help to manage inventories in a better way and reduce the chances of either having more or less inventory. This will thereby improve the manner in which the finances are managed and would lead towards financial gains
Thirdly, the process would provide complete details of different suppliers, their offerings, prices, quality and other details which will help the business to bargain with them and get better offers for the customer and the organization (Sharp & Sharp, 2007).
Fourthly, the process will bring effectiveness and will provide information of different areas and sources through which the management will be able to take better and responsible decisions as the process would look at different details and based on it provide useful impetus for the future.
Fifthly, the manner of handling and carrying out activities would improve as customer focus would improve. This would transform into better customer satisfaction and loyalty thereby having a positive impact on the customer and the long term growth of the organization.
O’Brien, L. & Jones, C. 2005. Do rewards really create loyalty? Harvard Business Review, 73, 75-82
Sharp, B. & Sharp, A. 2007. Loyalty programs and their impact on repeat purchase loyalty patterns. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 14 (5), 473-486
Example #2: A business’s only responsibility is to produce profits
A business’s only responsibility is to produce profits
For a considerable amount of time, the responsibilities of businesses have been an area that has attracted great debated. Most people argue that making of profits for shareholders is the only responsibility of business. Others argue that with the ease of access to a wide range of resources, businesses needs to take up more responsibilities than just making profits. The economy is bound to thrive when businesses are diversified and successful. Most businesses are deemed to be successful if they earn profits, but profits making of profits should not be viewed as the only responsibility of business. With time, there has been the emergence of other pressing responsibilities. It is a fact that businesses are in need of the profits, but they are just a by-product. Based on Friedman, though the main responsibility of business is to make profits, the responsibility tends to be passed by time. For it to work, organizations need to have other responsibilities (Cave 2010).
In regard to these, organizations and their board members need to learn from their past mistakes and thus take into account other stakeholders in their businesses rather than just considering the shareholders. Thus, businesses needs to form sustainable and lasting relationships with the other stakeholders, for example, their employees, customers as well as the communities living in their area of operation (Cave 2010). Organizations can at the same time offer better wages and allow their employees to advance in their career; customers, and on the other hand, want quality products offered at reasonable prices.
Apart from making profits businesses have a corporate social responsibility to fulfill. For instance, the society expects the organizations to offer them with goods and services that are of high quality. Customers also expect that organizations to take into considerations the various rights and impacts of their operations. With regard to these, businesses are expected to have less impact on the environment and uphold various human rights (Lantos 2001). Social responsibility is no longer an optional task for businesses; they need to engage in it for them to make profits. A great number of people are more likely to make purchases and be loyal to businesses that are makes a positive and noteworthy impact on the economy, environment or addressing poverty issue.
In addition to making profits, businesses also needs to achieve the strategic objectives. Businesses need to put measures in place to assist them in meeting the various demands of their customers (Mckeown 2012). Some may opt to adopt a product differentiation strategy; this involves offering customers with superior and unique products. Others may opt to use costs as their strategy and they may offer the customer with cheaper products or at times offer more value for the customer’s money.
Based on the above discussion, it is clearly evident that businesses need to take up other responsibilities rather than just making profits. By doing so, they will be increasing their profits levels. This can be evident in that, when they have taken up other responsibilities, their employees and customers will be more loyal to them and thus make more purchases and recommend their products to others.
Cave, A 2010, ‘Milton Friedman got it wrong on profit being the only aim, HSBC Chief Green argues’, Telegraph, 7 July, viewed 19 November 2014, <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/economics/7878097/Milton-Friedman-got-it-wrong-on-profit-being-the-only-aim-HSBC-chief-Green-argues.html>.
Lantos, G 2001, ‘The Boundaries of Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility’, Journal of Consumer Marketing, vol. 18, no. 7, pp. 595–632.
Mckeown, M 2012, The Strategy Book, FT Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
The paper “Negotiation in Business” is an outstanding example of a business essay. Negotiation is a dialogue between two people or parties attempting to make an exchange or trying to solve a dispute (Ibbra et al, 2001). For any organization to run well and be successful, they have to have good negotiating skills. Negotiating skills are needed in everything that one does in life, from running a small business to a large organization and even in the day to day activities. An organization should invest in training its employees for good negotiating skills as it is vital in the achievement of the organization’s goals. A conflict between the Human Resource Department (HRD) and the employees of the company can be disastrous. The strategy used in this negotiation is integrative. This is because the company wanted to create a win-win situation as they could not afford a win-lose situation. The negotiation was planned for and the negotiation process and phases followed to the last step.
There are two strategies of negotiations that is competitive (distributive) and integrative negotiations. Competitive negotiation is also known as win-lose negotiations. In this type of negotiations, there is usually a bone issue being tabled (Guasco & Robinson, 2007). In competitive negotiations, there is no compromise; one group wins and the other loses. On the other hand, integrative negotiations are win-win negotiations (Lewicki et al, 2011). In these negotiations, two or more issues are tabled for bargaining. In integrative negotiations, both parties have to compromise lose some and win some. Integrative negotiations are more superior compared to distributive negotiations. This is because integrative negotiations allow better compromises and value creation (Lewicki et al, 2011).
There are theories that attempt to explain the negotiation process and make a solution to a problem easier. There is the game theory which so far is the best when trying to negotiate in a competitive negotiation (Schonewille, 2011). In distributive (competitive), the game result is a fixed pie, which has only one winner, the one who gets the bigger pie. One rule that one should have in mind in this situation is one should choose the approach where the greatest advantage of the opponent is fully minimized (Shmueli, Warfield & Kaufman, 2009). The one that makes the first move in a negotiation has an upper hand as one can frame the negotiation and establish precedence. One has to use strategy in this and the best so far is making promises. If the promise is appealing enough to the opponent, then one wins the negotiations and the opponent losses (Gelfand & Brett, 2004). This theory was not used due to the strategy that the group decided to use.
Although the game theory consists of sanitized models, one can derive useful principles from it. Firstly, one has to learn how to minimize risks in every negotiation. According to the maximum theorem, it is best to minimize your opponent’s maximum payout even if one has to promise a higher minimum (Schonewille, 2011). Secondly, one has to learn to always make the first offer when they can as this gives them an upper hand in the negotiations. Lastly, one has to strive to gain the opponent’s trust, this is important as one might have to make promises and if one has credibility, and then they can win the negotiations (Satell, 2009).
Negotiations have four major stages that one has to follow in order to have an effective negotiation. That is preparation, exchanging information, bargaining and finally closing and commitment (Guaso, 2007). Negotiations need preparation and planning. The most important part of negotiation is planning as it determines the outcome of the negotiation. In this negotiation, the HRD had to identify their interest and needs along with those of the employees. After identifying the interest and needs, they then had to differentiate what they would like out of the negotiation and what they really needed. Negotiations should always be based on facts and never on opinions or fairness (Guaso, 2007).
Figure1.Planning/process in negotiation. (Gelfand, 2004)
When preparing for the negotiation, one has to use strategic choice in negotiations. One choice is influenced by the need to move away from conflict and the need to solve the problem at hand and also one behavior (Corvette, 2007). The HRD decided to use an integrative strategy this means that they were motivated by their concern for the employees and their own interest. If one decides to use a distributive strategy, this shows that their decision has been motivated by their concern for their own interest.
In the first phase of the negotiation, which is the pre-negotiation stage, we had to determine if there was a need for us to negotiate and what were we to negotiate about. We then got information about the HRD (how do they operate). In the second phase of the negotiation, conceptualization, we had to develop an agreement by framing the issues. We then defined each others’ goals and objectives in the negotiation through fact-finding. We then tried to formulate principles that we could both agree on. In the third phase of negotiation, we settled on the details of the negotiation. Here, we discussed the problems that we might face when implementing the agreement and try to find a way around them. In the final phase of the negotiation, we are doing a follow up on the agreement that both parties signed to make sure that both parties are doing as agreed. In this phase, it is crucial to be open to communication with the other group in case of any questions.
In this negotiation, the integrative strategy was the best to use. This is because it created a win-win situation for both parties. In this strategy, both parties had to compromise in order to get to an agreement. The game theory was not used as it was preserved that it would not give value for creation and compromise for both parties. The phases of negotiation come in handy especially on the last two phases as it was easier to understand the agreement and the follow up as it ensured both parties implemented the agreement.
Example #4
It is undisputed fact that in order to achieve the success of any conceptualized project, project management must be used since the core of any construction business is the project itself. Project management is thus always applied by the project manager so as to realize the goals of any given project. The commencement of the utilization of project management tools was conceived way back in the 1950’s running up to the early 70’s. These project management tools were widely used by both large engineering and construction companies.
The habitually most used and accepted way of identifying success is usually termed as the iron triangle and they are known as quality compliance, schedule and cost. Moreover, various studies that have been carried by various scholars have signified that some specific factors that are visible in projects will definitely determine the success of any given project owing to the hypothesis that projects’ success is repeatable. And in concurrence to this argument, it is imperative to acknowledge that the project management constraint is critical in guaranteeing that project is successfully accomplished as initially planned. This can be achieved if the project bottlenecks are sufficiently dealt with alongside managing costs and the time scoop.
This now brings us to the purpose of our study in regard to the construction industry. The construction successful accomplishment in the construction industry must happen with the help of project management. On that note, I will settle for Effat University Engineering Building which is one of the ancient buildings in this university as my research study. This building has undergone through numerous restorations and refurbishments on its interior and exterior components alongside the change of its front-end and an additional floor since its inception under the ownership of Dar Elhanan School way back in 1955. My research will strive to investigate the elements that causes project management constraints that limits the achievements of project management in terms of quality which raises the question as to if these kinds of delays do affect customer satisfactions?
This research will be seeking to examine the reasons behind the delay in accomplishing the construction of the Effat University Engineering Building, and how these delay progress has vastly affected the performance of the Effat University Students and the faculty at large. In essence, this study will be aiming at investigating the reasons behind the delay of delivering the Engineering building and also determining the gaps in the project management triangle which was also part of the delay.
This research also strives to fulfill its objectives that comprise of identifying the angle from which the PM Triangle was neglected and that also formed part of the delays and how can such kinds of incompetence and les productivity affect the Efat building construction Affiliated performance. The research scope will also focus on the Effat University engineering construction. The research findings will also definitely benefit the University in future since it will set a benchmark of determining on how future successful construction projects will be carried out in the University.
This paper will be divided into four sections, first section will discuss a previous research related to The Concept of Project Management Constraints, Prioritizing the triple constraint and identify which angle from the Project Management triangle was neglected that led to delays. The second section, will provides A detailed account of the research questions and hypotheses to be investigated, also will give An overview of all relevant methods of investigation and justification of why this pretrial method was settled on, and show all the data collection and survey and also specify an explanation for how this data collection and survey fits the selected research method and the research question. The third section will adapt the Findings and Discussion, presenting the main findings, evaluation and interpretation. it will also include the overall experience in any difficulties that encountered in collecting and analyzing data, together with an assessment of how this affected the plan of research. The fourth and last section, will present a brief conclusion that summarize the results additionally giving a brief repletion of primary proposal and suggestions of future research.
Example #5
Entrepreneurship and Small Business Enterprise
Student’s name
Section 4
Organizational Chart
Human Resources
An organizational chart refers to a graphic representation of an organization structure and reporting relations. The chart offers extensive information and may assist organizational team comprehend the general structure the organization and its stratagem. The structure shows the relations between managers and sub-workers and other departments. Once an organizational chart becomes extremely big, it may be broken down into simpler charts for various departments within a company. The chart above represents the human resource department of the fish farming farm in the UAE.
Job Descriptions
Human Resource Manager
The job responsibilities of the human resource manager of this organization will be enhance the company’s human resources by scheduling, executing, and assessing worker relations and human resource policy, programs, and performance. The duties of the Human resource manager will include;
Maintenance of the work organization by offering updated job requirements and job criterion of various positions in the organization
Maintenance of organization staff via establishment of a recruit, interviewing strategy, testing, advising managers concerning applicant selection, carrying out and evaluating exit interviews, and advocating for change.
Organizing workers for various roles through establishment and conduction of job assessments and training programs.
Maintenance of a compensation plan through conduction of frequent pay research; scheduling and checking compensation actions; preparation of compensation budgets; and implementation of compensation structure review.
Ensuring compliance to legal requirements through monitoring and implementation of applicable human resources law requirements; carrying out investigations; maintenance of records; and representation of the company’s at conferences.
Maintenance of human resource historical data by establishing an appropriate record keeping system and an appropriate retrieval strategy.
Maintenance of professional and technical skills through attendance of educational programs, assessing specialized strategy, and playing a role in professional societies.
Maintenance of human resource staff through recruits, selections, training and orientation of the work team.
A successful applicant ought to have a bachelor’s degree in the field of human resource management; ability to think decisively; professional influencer, and the ability to engage employees.
The job responsibility of a supervisor is the production of goods through the supervision of staff and scrutinizing work flow. The job duties of the supervisor will include;
Communication of job expectations, assessing and monitoring job results, training and enforcement of systems in the organization.
Maintenance of quality service through establishment and enforcement of the company’s standards.
Maintenance of a secure and clean work environment in the firm by; instructing workers on the usage of various control equipments, equipments; and maintenance of compliance with developed policies and process in the fish firm.
The qualifications and skills of this position include capability to supervise, coach, manage processes, and track budget expenses
A technician’s role will be to support the entire work team in the efficient production and delivery of fresh fish in the market. The duty of the technician will include;
Maintenance, solving and repairing of various mechanical, hydraulic, and motile equipments. Working with multifaceted systems and performing high technical mechanical diagnostic assessments.
The skills and requirements required for this job include ability to solve mathematical problems; technical skills so as to operate multifaceted machinery and capability to pay attention to details.
The researchers will execute and evaluate research projects from initial planning phase till the completion phase. They communicate with the entire team in the organization and confirm that the planned tasks are scheduled. The duties of the researchers will include;
Identification of project goals and objectives, research methodologies, and other test parameters. Also, they will decide on the methods of data collection, evaluation of the project, and provide various recommendations. They will organize research schedules to assess the role of the entire team. They offer collected data to the manager and the supervisor for the preparation of the report.
Since research happens in various almost all existing fields, the researchers ought to possess a university degree in any related field. Graduates with additional courses such as computer programming and project management will be given a priority.
The company requires a driver who has the capacity to function properly as part of the entire team. The duty of the driver will include;
Meeting the needs of the clients through timely and safe delivery of goods. The driver ought to hold to all safety requirements and adhere to delivery-pickup guidelines as presented.
The skills and requirements for this position include a high school diploma or equivalent and a Driving license from a recognized institution.
Fish Farmers
The fish farmers will be accountable for the breeding and nurturing of fish for the firm. The duties include;
Calculation of the feeding system which is mainly performed by use of automatic computer programs.
Monitoring the water supply; health of the fish; maintaining stock records; and observing the environmental standards.
The fish famers ought to have and passion for fish and their welfare; and a high school diploma or equivalent. Also, the famers ought to have an experience of two years in the field of fish farming.